Package com.comalatech.workflow.event.admin
package com.comalatech.workflow.event.admin
InterfacesClassDescriptionEvent fired when the space workflow configuration is updated.Event fired when a workflow is removed from a spaceEvent fired when a space workflow is disabled.Event fired when a space workflow is edited.Event fired when a space workflow is enabled.Event fired when the space workflow history is cleared.Event fired when a global workflow template is linked to a space.Event fired when the space notification settings are updated.Event fired when a workflow parameter is added to a spaceParent interface for space workflow parameter eventsEvent fired when a space workflow parameter is removed.Event fired when a space workflow parameter is updated.Event fired after the space workflow states are initialized.Event fired when a linked space workflow is removed from the space.Event fired when the global workflow configuration is updated.Parent interface for events fired when a workflow is changed.Event fired when the global workflow configuration is updated.Event fired when a global workflow notification setting is updated.