ContentState Data Type

Information related to a state in a workflow

name data type description
name string State unique name
nameTranslation string State unique name translation
description string State description
initial boolean Defines if the state is the entry point of the workflow
final boolean Defines if the state is a final one of a workflow
dueDate number Duration of time before the state expires expressed in epoch time in millis
colour string Colour of the state
hideStates boolean Defines if page state should be hidden or not
taskable boolean Defines if tasks can be added to the page
changeDueDate boolean Defines if expiration date can be updated
transitions StateTransitions
requestParams boolean


  "name" : "Final",
  "nameTranslation" : "Aprobado",
  "description" : "Description of the state",
  "initial" : false,
  "final" : true,
  "dueDate" : 1507277490,
  "colour" : "#000000",
  "hideStates" : true,
  "taskable" : true,
  "changeDueDate" : true,
  "transitions" : {
    "approved" : {
      "state" : "...",
      "parameters" : [ { }, { } ]
    "rejected" : {
      "state" : "...",
      "parameters" : [ { }, { } ]
    "updated" : {
      "state" : "...",
      "parameters" : [ { }, { } ]
    "expired" : {
      "state" : "...",
      "parameters" : [ { }, { } ]
    "submit" : {
      "state" : "...",
      "parameters" : [ { }, { } ]
    "completed" : {
      "state" : "...",
      "parameters" : [ { }, { } ]
    "select" : [ {
      "state" : "...",
      "parameters" : [ { }, { } ]
    }, {
      "state" : "...",
      "parameters" : [ { }, { } ]
    } ]
  "requestParams" : true