ContentWorkflowResponse Data Type

Response for all requests to content workflow endpoint

name data type description
workflowName string Name of the current workflow
state ContentState Information of the current state
publishedState ContentState Information of the most recent published state, if any
approvals array of ContentApproval List of the available approvals in the current state
states array of State List existing states in the workflow
actions array of ContentAction List of available actions in the current state.
tasks array of ContentTask List of tasks
messages array of Message List of messages (error messages or messages set with the message macro)
displayProgressTracker boolean
displaySuppressReadConfirmation boolean
contributors UsersQuerySearchResults
Properties inherited from AbstractExpanderResponse
expand string

Expandable key that shows the available expanding options.

Existing keys to expand the response: approvals,actions,tasks,states


  "workflowName" : "Workflow name",
  "state" : {
    "name" : "Final",
    "nameTranslation" : "Aprobado",
    "description" : "Description of the state",
    "initial" : false,
    "final" : true,
    "dueDate" : 1507277490,
    "colour" : "#000000",
    "hideStates" : true,
    "taskable" : true,
    "changeDueDate" : true,
    "transitions" : {
      "approved" : { },
      "rejected" : { },
      "updated" : { },
      "expired" : { },
      "submit" : { },
      "completed" : { },
      "select" : [ { }, { } ]
    "requestParams" : true
  "publishedState" : {
    "name" : "Final",
    "nameTranslation" : "Aprobado",
    "description" : "Description of the state",
    "initial" : false,
    "final" : true,
    "dueDate" : 1507277490,
    "colour" : "#000000",
    "hideStates" : true,
    "taskable" : true,
    "changeDueDate" : true,
    "transitions" : {
      "approved" : { },
      "rejected" : { },
      "updated" : { },
      "expired" : { },
      "submit" : { },
      "completed" : { },
      "select" : [ { }, { } ]
    "requestParams" : true
  "approvals" : [ {
    "name" : "Draft",
    "nameTranslation" : "Review this page",
    "shortName" : "DR",
    "minimumRequiredApprovers" : 1,
    "isOneApproverOnly" : false,
    "isRolesEnabled" : false,
    "filterUsers" : [ "user1", "user2" ],
    "filterExcludedUsers" : [ "user3", "user4" ],
    "filterGroups" : [ "confluence-users", "confluence-administrators" ],
    "approvers" : [ {
      "user" : { },
      "approved" : true,
      "rejected" : false,
      "comment" : "Approval approved, it is fine"
    }, {
      "user" : { },
      "approved" : false,
      "rejected" : true,
      "comment" : "Appproval rejected, things missing"
    } ],
    "approveLabel" : "Accept",
    "rejectLabel" : "Deny"
  }, {
    "name" : "Review",
    "nameTranslation" : "...",
    "shortName" : "RE",
    "minimumRequiredApprovers" : 2,
    "isOneApproverOnly" : true,
    "isRolesEnabled" : true,
    "filterUsers" : [ "user2", "user1" ],
    "filterExcludedUsers" : [ "user4", "user3" ],
    "filterGroups" : [ "confluence-administrators", "confluence-users" ],
    "approvers" : [ {
      "user" : { },
      "approved" : false,
      "rejected" : true,
      "comment" : "Appproval rejected, things missing"
    }, {
      "user" : { },
      "approved" : false,
      "rejected" : true,
      "comment" : "Appproval rejected, things missing"
    } ],
    "approveLabel" : "Yes",
    "rejectLabel" : "No"
  } ],
  "states" : [ {
    "name" : "Draft",
    "nameTranslation" : "Borrador",
    "description" : "State of pages under construction",
    "transitions" : {
      "approved" : { },
      "rejected" : { },
      "updated" : { },
      "expired" : { },
      "submit" : { },
      "completed" : { },
      "select" : [ { }, { } ]
    "final" : false,
    "taskable" : true,
    "changeDueDate" : false,
    "hideFromPath" : true,
    "dueDate" : "P2D",
    "colour" : "#FFAB00",
    "approvals" : [ {
      "name" : "Approval 1",
      "weight" : 10,
      "label" : "label1",
      "credentials" : "password",
      "approvers" : { },
      "conditions" : [ {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      } ]
    }, {
      "name" : "Approval 2",
      "weight" : 1,
      "label" : "label2",
      "credentials" : "userid+password",
      "approvers" : { },
      "conditions" : [ {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      } ]
    } ]
  }, {
    "name" : "Review",
    "nameTranslation" : "Revision",
    "description" : "State of pages under review",
    "transitions" : {
      "approved" : { },
      "rejected" : { },
      "updated" : { },
      "expired" : { },
      "submit" : { },
      "completed" : { },
      "select" : [ { }, { } ]
    "final" : false,
    "taskable" : false,
    "changeDueDate" : true,
    "hideFromPath" : false,
    "dueDate" : "2049-02-01 10:00",
    "colour" : "yellow",
    "approvals" : [ {
      "name" : "Approval 2",
      "weight" : 1,
      "label" : "label2",
      "credentials" : "userid+password",
      "approvers" : { },
      "conditions" : [ {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      } ]
    }, {
      "name" : "Approval 2",
      "weight" : 1,
      "label" : "label2",
      "credentials" : "userid+password",
      "approvers" : { },
      "conditions" : [ {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      }, {
        "type" : "..."
      } ]
    } ]
  } ],
  "actions" : [ {
    "inputFields" : [ {
      "id" : "param1797958930",
      "name" : "Reviewers",
      "value" : "confluence-users",
      "type" : "group",
      "options" : [ "...", "..." ],
      "description" : "Reviewers group"
    }, {
      "id" : "param1876765907",
      "name" : "Editor",
      "value" : "admin",
      "type" : "user",
      "options" : [ "...", "..." ],
      "description" : "User that approves content"
    } ],
    "isInit" : false,
    "type" : "...",
    "actions" : [ "...", "..." ]
  }, {
    "states" : [ "state1", "state2" ],
    "type" : "...",
    "actions" : [ "...", "..." ]
  }, {
    "name" : "Review",
    "shortName" : "Review",
    "instructions" : "...",
    "signature" : "PASSWORD",
    "eSignature" : "CONFLUENCE",
    "involvedUsers" : [ {
      "name" : "user_1",
      "rolename" : "Project Manager",
      "shortName" : "user_1",
      "fullName" : "User One",
      "pictureUrl" : "/images/icons/profilepics/user1.png"
    }, {
      "name" : "user_2",
      "rolename" : "QA Engineer",
      "shortName" : "user_2",
      "fullName" : "User Two",
      "pictureUrl" : "/images/icons/profilepics/user2.png"
    } ],
    "requiresComment" : false,
    "hasSigning" : false,
    "type" : "...",
    "actions" : [ "...", "..." ]
  } ],
  "tasks" : [ {
    "id" : "1",
    "name" : "Review",
    "assignee" : {
      "name" : "user_1",
      "rolename" : "Project Manager",
      "shortName" : "user_1",
      "fullName" : "User One",
      "pictureUrl" : "/images/icons/profilepics/user1.png"
    "actions" : [ "complete", "delete" ],
    "dueDate" : 1507278989419,
    "description" : "Review the whole document",
    "completed" : true,
    "date" : 1507278989419,
    "comment" : "Document reviewed, good job"
  }, {
    "id" : "2",
    "name" : "Check goals",
    "assignee" : {
      "name" : "user_2",
      "rolename" : "QA Engineer",
      "shortName" : "user_2",
      "fullName" : "User Two",
      "pictureUrl" : "/images/icons/profilepics/user2.png"
    "actions" : [ "delete", "complete" ],
    "dueDate" : 1507278989419,
    "description" : "Check the quarter goals defined here",
    "completed" : false,
    "date" : 0,
    "comment" : ""
  } ],
  "messages" : [ {
    "type" : "Error",
    "title" : "Credentials required",
    "html" : "Valid user/password are required to process the approval",
    "closeable" : true,
    "code" : "..."
  }, {
    "type" : "...",
    "title" : "...",
    "html" : "...",
    "closeable" : true,
    "code" : "..."
  } ],
  "displayProgressTracker" : true,
  "displaySuppressReadConfirmation" : true,
  "contributors" : {
    "result" : [ {
      "id" : "...",
      "username" : "...",
      "type" : "...",
      "title" : "...",
      "thumbnailLink" : { }
    }, {
      "id" : "...",
      "username" : "...",
      "type" : "...",
      "title" : "...",
      "thumbnailLink" : { }
    } ],
    "totalSize" : 12345
  "expand" : "approvals,actions,tasks,states"